Welcome to Year 5!
Welcome to Year 5! In Year 5 we are a community of hard workers who work independently and collaboratively to produce incredible work and increase confidence.
We use our growth mindsets to take on new challenges and keep trying even when we find a task difficult. In Year 5 all are valued equally and encouraged to get involved with any task that is in front of us. Every opportunity is a learning opportunity.
We foster positive relationships with each other through teamwork, encouragement, trust and respect. We think that working together is the way to achieve and succeed.
In our classes we learn with;
Mrs McManus, Mrs Southall & Mrs Park (Classroom Teachers)
Mrs Vale and Mrs Boyce (Classroom Teaching Assistants)
The booklet below provides information for parents and carers on the end of year expectations for children in our school. The staff have identified these expectations as being the minimum requirements your child must meet in order to ensure continued progress throughout the following year.
All the objectives will be worked on throughout the year and will be the focus of direct teaching. Any extra support you can provide in helping your children to achieve these is greatly valued.
If you have any queries regarding the content of this booklet or want support in knowing how best to help your child please talk to your child’s teacher.