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Primary School

Get In Touch

Parent/Carer Conversations

Parent/Carer Conversations


Hillmorton Primary School prides itself on developing strong and lasting relationships with their parents and carers. It is important to us, that strong bonds are created to ensure that every child has a successful, and enjoyable, time whilst at the school.


We aim to be as transparent as possible with our parents/carers, and hope that we will receive this in return. 


Sometimes it will be necessary to have parent/carer conversations to outline concerns. These meetings are developed to be supportive and restorative in nature. Ensuring that as a school we work with you, and gain further understanding by your experience as parents/carers. 


We openly invite our parents/carers to contact the school about their child, if they have any concerns. Acting quickly to concerns, allows us to be proactive and supportive to the child and family members. 


You can contact the school by one of the following:

T: 01788 544309


ClassDojo: Send a message directly to your child's class teacher

W: Using the contact form on the school website


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