Monitoring Attendance
Part of the process to ensure good attendance at school is to monitor patterns. Hillmorton Primary School has an Attendance Support Team who meet each half term to consider all children’s attendance and highlight any concerns in absence. As parents and carers, you may find that you are contacted by a member of the team to discuss your child’s attendance and their concerns. Monitoring attendance is not about blaming, but working together to find a solution to overcome any barriers to attendance. This could include offering support to the child to family to support with improving the attendance.
As a team we must identify whether barriers to attendance are from the child or parent/carer. We seek support from Warwickshire Attendance Service, and review our data each term. Our Education Casework Officer will support us in making decisions about absence and whether this would mean involvement from the Local Authority, with the potential to progress families through to targeted support and/or prosecution.
Attendance Support Team
Bryony Harrison - Head Teacher - Senior Attendance Champion
Rob Higham - Family Support Manager - Attendance Lead
Kirsty Glaysher - Senior Administrator - Attendance Administrator
Attendance Contact Form
If you would like to contact a member of the Attendance Support Team, please use the contact form below.