School uniform must be worn at all times. It shows we are proud to be members of Hillmorton Primary School and is part of our sense of belonging.
Please ensure that all items of school uniform are clearly labelled with your child's name
- Grey skirt, pinafore dress or trousers
- School polo shirt – Royal Blue with logo
- School sweatshirt – Emerald Green with logo
- White, black or grey socks/thick tights
- For summer – green and white dresses
- Black flat closed-toe shoes with socks (no boots)
- Grey trousers or shorts
- School sweatshirt – Emerald Green with logo
- White, black or grey socks
- Black shoes.
For P.E.
- Plain dark shorts and white t-shirt
- Tracksuit
- Pumps for indoor use
- Trainers for outdoor use
- Drawstring bag to keep P.E. kit in
Children should bring in their PE kit on their specified day and kits should be taken home regularly to be washed. Football shirts are not permitted.
An apron or old shirt for art and craft work
Aside from the items with a school logo (Sweatshirt/Cardigan and Polo top), all other items of uniform can be generically bought from any supplier.
We discourage the wearing of trainers and high heeled shoes.
School uniform can be purchased in a number of different ways:
Webb Ellis Ltd Rugby is now an official stockist of our school uniform. Items can be tried on and purchased at their store on St Matthew's Street in Rugby. They also offer an online store where items can be bought for delivery or click & collect. For further information visit the Webb Ellis website:
School uniform is also available to purchase online at or at
In addition, 'Friends of Hillmorton Primary School' hold regular second-hand uniform sales throughout the school year. Sales are advertised and promoted via the 'Friends of Hillmorton Primary School' Facebook page, ClassDojo and through newsletters and posters around the school.