Holiday/Days off within Term Time
There are 190 days of school, leaving 175 days of holiday.
Whilst we appreciate rising costs of holidays during peak times, as a school we are unable to authorise holidays within term time, unless these are under exceptional circumstances. The DfE take this topic so seriously, that they have removed the holiday code from the registration system. This means that any time from school, must be for an exceptional circumstance. Each request will be made on a case-by-case basis, so we are unable to provide a list of these exceptional circumstances.
Please note that from September 2025 we will be referring all unauthorised holidays to the Local Authority, which could result in a fixed penalty notice.
Applying for term time holiday/days off:
- Request a Leave of Absence (LoA) form from the school office or download the form below.
- Complete and return to school with supporting evidence for the time out of school.
- Each request will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and will be at the discretion of the Head Teacher.
- If a request for LoA is not submitted, or it is done so after the holiday/day off this will result in an unauthorised absence.
- Best practice is to talk to a member of the Attendance Support Team prior to requesting the time out of school by emailing or phoning 01788 544309.
- Please note that any unauthorised absence from school may be referred to the Local Authority and result in a fine/prosecution.