* Update: The presentation for parents from the CEO of the Stowe Valley MAT will be taking place at 6pm on Monday 15th December in the school hall. Please click on the link below to register your attendance.
The senior leaders of Hillmorton Primary School and the Governors have determined that conversion to an academy would be in the best interests of the pupils, staff and our community. The discussions with governors have focused on how we can benefit from working with schools both within our local area, more widely in Warwickshire and in a MAT whilst retaining our strong identity.
Joining a MAT will not stop us from being the school we are, serving our community in Rugby.
The Department of Education have signalled their intention that all schools should be part of a supportive family of schools or MAT. As a school we want to decide our own future and we feel it’s important that we are approaching academisation, proactively.
After a lengthy investigative process, it has been decided that Hillmorton will join the Stowe Valley Multi Academy Trust (SVMAT). Being part of the SVMAT allows us to benefit from school-to-school support, cost efficiencies and broader pupil opportunities without compromising our own provision or identity. Their website allows you to find out more about the MAT
The structure of the SVMAT will protect and enshrine the individual character and ethos of Hillmorton Primary School. Governors wish to consult with all stakeholders regarding the conversion and the proposal to join Stowe Valley MAT.
Please see further information below: